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Pin Up Photo Shoot London

PINUP OF THE MONTH - December 2015

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

Our PINUP OF THE MONTH for December is the the Queen of UK pinup, Miss October DiVine!

October is an internationally published and highly experienced pinup model. In-between her busy model life, Miss Divine also joint runs a model agency promoting the UK's top pinup models.

At DollHouse we love shooting October and have selected a handful of our favourite images to share with you all below.

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

October Divine was voted 2nd in a TOP ALT MODEL poll featured by Sinical Magazine.

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

Here are some published images of October Divine by DollHouse Photography.

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

October Divine's 2013 Calendar Cover by DollHouse Photography.

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

After select Miss Divine as our PINUP OF THE MONTH we asked her a few questions for you all ...

1) Model Name: October DiVine

2) Stats:

Hair Colour Blonde

Bust 38

Waist 28

Hips 38

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

Tell us something you LOVE!

"Pathology it is absolutely fascinating"

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

Tell us something you can't stand!

"I can't stand when people are fake ... Be yourself and be kind to everyone"

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

Favourite band/genre:

"Definitely Rock and Roll one of my favourites is Little Richard"

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography
October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

Who are you most inspired by?

"My Husband, he is the kindest and hardest working man I know. Without him by my side I would never be where I am now"

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

What are the best and worst things about being a model?

"Best - I've met so many wonderful people with my job. Over the years I have made so many friends within the industry some of whom have become extended family.

Worst thing is I never get time off. Running the Pinup Academy and modelling means even when I'm not working I'm still working. Lucky for me I adore my job, have the best business partners (SIN and Si) Modelling is amazing but I love having ladies come for makeover shoots where I do their make up, hair and one to one coaching. We also run coaching and mentoring classes around the country where myself, SINderella, Si and the U.K Pinup dolls get to help new models and photographers; which is so much fun."

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

What is your guilty pleasure?

"It has to be chocolate"

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography
October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

Best modelling achievement to date:

"I guess my best achievement would be creating The Pinup Academy with SINderella Rockafella and Si Brailsford. Without my modelling career I would never have been able to achieve this amazing opportunity but I'm so glad we did... I'm proud to be part of the UK's No.1 Traditional Pinup Photography, Modelling and makeover Team".

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

Famous last words or favourite quote:

"A woman without curves is like a pair of jeans without pockets, there's nowhere to put your hands!"

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

Lastly, please sketch a doodle of yourself!

October Divine self portrait

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

October Divine's Social Media:

October Divine Pinup Model by DollHouse Photography

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